The Powell Police Department Offers the following services:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Inspections | Fingerprinting |Local Background Checks |
Notary Services| Police/Crash Reports | Operation Blue Angel | Security Camera Database |
House Watch Program | Bicycle Registration | Special Needs Alert Program
Vehicle Identification Number Inspections

The inspection involves physically verifying the vehicle identification number on the vehicle and is a theft prevention measure. VIN inspections are required on all vehicle transactions, except for never titled vehicles with Manufacturers Statement of Origin and Wyoming title transfers. VIN inspections are required by state law. The inspection verifies that the vehicle you purchased belongs to the documents given to you. If your title has an incorrect VIN you will have trouble selling the vehicle or proving you are the rightful owner.
There is a $10 fee for VIN Inspections

Fingerprinting: $10 fee per card
Notary Services

Notary Services: $5 fee per document
Local Background checks

A Records Check request form will need to be completed. The form can be picked up at the Powell Police Department or you can print the form from this website. Make sure to include all of your biographical information to ensure the accuracy of the record check. A photo ID will need to be presented at the time of the request. A $5.00 fee will be charged for this process and will need to be paid upon submittal of your request. This will provide only Powell Police records. For a general criminal history, your request must be submitted to the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation.
Operation Blue Angel

"Operation Blue Angel" is a FREE program currently used by the Powell Police Department and the Park County Sheriff's Office. The purpose is to provide access into a residence for Emergency First Responders in the event of a medical emergency where the resident is unable to open the door. The program provides a lockbox that contains a key to your residence, which will be secured in an undisclosed location.
Police Reports

Police reports
In order to obtain a police report, a request form will have to be completed and submitted. It will then be determined if the case has been adjudicated. If the case has not been adjudicated, the report will not be released. For cases that have been referred for prosecution, you may request a copy from the prosecuting attorney. If it is approved for release, you will be notified when it is ready and a fee of $1.00 for the first page and $.50 per each additional black and white page will be charged.
Motor Vehicle Crash Reports

Motor Vehicle Crash reports
A release of a Motor Vehicle Crash Report may be obtained in person at the Powell Police Department. A fee of $1.00 for the first page and $.50 per each additional black and white page will be charged.
Security Camera Registration

The Powell Police Department holds a list of residences and businesses with security cameras throughout the city. This program allows Officers to quickly and more efficiently contact residents who may have captured video of an incident which we are investigating. Participation in this program is completely voluntary, and your information will be kept strictly confidential.
f you would like to join the program, applications are available at the Police Department.
Complete an online application HERE
House Watch Program

The House Watch Program is designed to provide Powell homeowners a means of having their residence checked periodically by an officer when they are away from home for an extended period of time.
In order for a residence to be placed on a house watch, the following criteria must be met:
Your house must be located within Powell city limits
The residence must be vacated for more than 72 hours
No other people may be going into or around the residence while it is unoccupied
The occupant must have established residency at the location
The residence may not remain on the watch for more than three months.
Contact the Powell Police Department at 754-2212 to request a house watch.
Bicycle Registration
Bicycle registration - Free
Bicycle registration is encouraged, as it provides a specific registration number to your bicycle. This can aid in recovery of the bicycle in case of theft.
Click here for the form.
The Powell Police Department has implemented a Special Needs Alert Program (SNAP) for its residents which is utilized for a variety of families/individuals who may be disabled or have certain medical issues.
The purpose of this cost-free program is to help citizens who require assistance from a first responder to identify any special needs of the resident and to effectively communicate without issue. Our goal is to continue to provide the most efficient and professional service to our community.
The program is voluntary for individuals living with:
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
Deaf/Hearing Impaired
Autism or Special Needs
Family members can register themselves or their loved ones in person at the Powell Police Department or by completing our online form below.
The information is confidential and only accessible by the Powell Police Department.
The database will contain pedigree and contact information, and a computed-aided dispatch alert will be placed on the residence so responding personnel knows the conditions prior to arriving.
Click here for the Registration Form: